
Package in development

Nextflow workflow

  • tabigecy.
    Tabigecy: a Nextflow workflow to predict enzymes of biogeochemical cycles from taxonomic affiliations (comibining EsMeCaTa and bigecyhmm).

Python package

  • bigecyhmm.
    bigecyhmm: Python package to predict of biogeochemical cycles from protein sequence files.

  • kegg2bipartitegraph.
    A tool to reconstruct metabolic bipartite graph using KEGG and different inputs (eggnog-mapper results, Kofam-Koala, KEGG organisms).

  • esmecata.
    EsMeCaTa: Estimating Metabolic Capabilties from Taxonomic annotations.

  • aucome.
    AUtomatic COmparison of MEtabolism.

  • metage2metabo.
    From annotated genomes to metabolic screening in large scale microbiotas.

  • mpwt: Pathway-Tools multiprocessing package.
    A little package to launch multiple runs of Pathway-Tools on different genomes, using genbank files.

Answer Set Programming

  • pathmodel.
    Prototype applying the metabolic pathway drift hypothesis to infer ab initio reaction using known reactions.

Stale package

  • gff_to_gbk.
    Draft script to create GenBank from GFF file.
    A specific variant using eggnog-mapper results has been developed: emapper_to_gbk.

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